Here are just a few proposed modifications that I have in mind:

1.) Grenade Add-In

Rather than have the player only use guns to take out the enemies, I thought it would be interesting to give them the ability to use grenades. There will no doubt be hoards of enemies on their tail, so why not be able to use something with a ton of explosive power to help make it less hectic.

2.) Different Sounds

I want to add different sound effects for the player to hear. Some include when they walk on the ground or when they both jump and double jump. Maybe even some for the enemies as well. I just feel that the player should experience different audio when handling different situations. I may also include different music as well.

3.) Hazards

I'm not exactly sure of what hazards I want to add in just yet, but I want to make the levels more challenging for the player. I want to make it so that the enemies won't be the only thing they have to deal with, but the entire area itself as they escape the planet.

4.) Different Design

I'm thinking of giving the terrain a different design than what was provided. Not that I have any issues with the current ones, but I want to give the player more variety. I want the design to be more aesthetically pleasing for them as they progress through the game.

5.) Barrier

Seeing as the player is going to be dealing with many enemies as they progress through the game, they may not be able to handle all the attacks that are sent their way. I want to be able to provide them with some protection for some time until they are able to get their bearings and continue with the fight. It would go down after taking a certain number of hits, but it would at least help the player somewhat.


1.) Move the mouse to look around.

2.) Use 'A' and 'D' to move left and right.

3.) Use 'S' and 'W' to move backward and forward.

4.) Use 1 and 2 to switch between guns.

5.) Use the left side of the mouse or mousepad to shoot projectiles.

6.) Esc to pause or un-pause.

7.) Use 'C' to take screenshots.


Creator: Devin Alexander Powell

Game Engine Used: Unity


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These sound like they'll be significant modifications!